Friday, March 11, 2011

Let's Get Political

The powerful and elite are under enormous amounts of pressure from their historically mis-informed, but passionate constituents. With the 24 hour news cycle, you would think reporters would have the time (and decency) to keep the glass half full, and look at things from the Anna & Megan perspective every once in a while.

There's a lot of talk about greedy politicians and their insatiable desire to accumulate wealth. First of all lazies, being in the 95% of anything is a privilege. Quit whining and realize that you finally belong. We are so sick of hearing people complain about the millionares who sustain us. They give to charity. They tithe! That's money for the rest of us, the ones that don't work as hard as they do. If anything, they are affording us the opportunity to live the freeing life of a rover. To get back to our roots, sleeping under the open sky and stealing hotdogs from neighbors. They would pay thousands for such an authentic experience, and they are just giving it to us under the guise of a sub-prime mortgage.

By the way, why is everyone always focusing on the the SUB?  Being the optimists that we are, we like to focus on the PRIME.  Prime steaks.  Prime television.  Prime numbers.  You do the math. 

Now, we don't want to spend too much time on the lavish lifestyle public employees enjoy on our dime. But we'd like to point out that even while balancing the budget, politicians are taking the time to consider those who give so little, but expect so much. Have these parasites even realized the fortuitous timing of this debate? Guess what teachers, firefighters, and policemen- you  have the opportunity to say you're giving up healthcare for Lent. So go on and enjoy those Dove chocolates while the rest of suffer without, you ingrates.

Speaking of taxes and people who don't deserve them, why would you tax the people who have worked the hardest? In a game of poker, the jackpot always goes to the player with the best work ethic. It has nothing to do with the cards that are dealt. Besides, everyone knows that at the end of the game, when the winner is stuffing his pockets with your money, there are no hard feelings.

This is a mere glimpse into the disgustingly optimistic world views of Anna & Megan. Our glasses are half full of the most delicious rainbow juice imaginable, and our rose-colored glasses are complete with gilded horse blinders. Did your mind just explode from the g-force of the truth bombs we dropped on your asses? We hope not, because you have a $2,000 co-pay on ER visits.

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